My son took their ACT vs SAT diagnostic test this week. This 4 hour test is designed to determine whether the student does better on one test over the other. Since colleges take either one, it would be advantageous to take the one that the student scores better on. So based on this diagnostic, my son did better on the SAT which wasn't a total surprise to us. All this service is free.
They do offer several options in improving your scores. They offer group help or individual tutoring. Looks like there are many options and pricing options. What I like about their service (other than test help) is that all their service is designed around the actual test dates. Also, they teach strategies on taking the test, which I'm almost certain will help my son. We were told average score increase for their students are around 150 points on the SAT. Some higher and some lower.
Needless to say, my son is signed up for their program. I am very optimistic about this business helping my son perform his best.
I will update once he's done with their program.