All crossbow users come here NOW!!!!
This is one of the only ranges in Vegas that allow the use of crossbows! Bass Pro and Clark County Shooting Range told me "Hell no!" And GTFO!
They even sell a $1,000 hunting crossbow that does not have a cocking stirrup (step on the limb prod and lock and load!).
Very decent traditional bows too for sale! I strongly prefer recurves over compound and I will be taking those archery classes to master both Xbows and traditional recurves (I'm a survivalist nutso).
Cons, the farthest target is 20 yards and only indoors!
I am looking for a outdoors 50 to 100 yard range (my lousy newbie rig only puts just over 41 foot pounds of force, within the range of intermediate traditional recurves). But I plan to get a 120+ LBE once I master the basics of novice archery.
PLEASE MESSAGE ME if you find out of one, also please let me know if there is a Army or National Guard Ordnance Range that I can test out a Bow-Mag loaded with .38 Incendiary shells. Lmk about prices for rent and disposable targets if you find a willing redneck please!!!!