If you're looking for a great foot massage spot, this is the place! They offer amazing foot massage that hits the spot. It includes soaking your foot, and massaging your foot to your knees. It gets painful, but the good type of pain. If you speak mando, you can also ask them to explain what pressure point means what. I highly recommend Susan!
Their body massage is also amazing. I wanted to tell her to stop every time she pushes down because it hurts so much! Somehow she knew exactly where hurts the most and keeps going back again and again. After the massage, all the pain feels amazing, and my body will feel sore from the massage for a day or two. I recommend Coco!
If you go during the day, they offer a special price that is significantly cheaper than their regular price.
So why not a 5 star? The doors and walls are thin, and I can hear everything that is going on outside!
Make sure to call ahead of time as they get booked pretty quickly.