| - If you were looking for an actual review of Mucho Gusto, then you might want to select one of the other 68 reviews that are currently on Yelp. Spoiler alert, this review will have very little to do with Mucho Gusto. Now, if you are looking for the perfectly place to (1) have a book club meeting, (2) you are brining your 5 year old daughter, and (3) the book is True Grit, then look no further than Mucho Gusto. I guess I should add that my book club friends tell me that the third point is a little thin, but two out of three isn't bad. In my defense, True Grit is a western, and don't all westerns occur in Arizona. And then when the white hats settle down they move to California because Florida was too far away. Of course, now you might say, "Wait a second, isn't Mucho Gusto a Mexican restaurant." Well, isn't Mexico part of the West, by which I mean, isn't it part of the Western Genre? In conclusion, the atmosphere is great, you can eat outside, and sometimes the floor is a little slippery.
This review is dedicated to all of the book clubs who have ever had a meeting at Mucho Gusto with or without a five year old.