I had some recent tactile deficiencies with my iPhone 3GS and became quickly tired of being unable to press down with no results on the left side of the screen, so I made my appointment at the Genius Bar four days in advance, as this would inevitably be my next opportunity to get back to the Apple Store. The whole process was done onsite and took less than 2 minutes. The associate situated at the store entrance simply took my info down in her ipad and I was all set to go.
I arrived four days later, albeit a half hour later than my scheduleed appointment, yet this proved to be a minor setback as I simply had to wait an extra half hour to be seen. This was due to my own ineptitude in arriving on time so I was thankful to even be given a same day appointment as the store buzzed like a beehive around me. I waitied my requsite half hour and came back. I was immediately seen by "Sarah," who told me that I had 35 days left on my warranty and that I could sit down while she ran some tests in the back. She was back less than 10 minutes later with a fully functioning iPhone. Thank you "Sarah" and Genius Bar for helping me in a dire time of need.