I'm honestly not sure how many sessions ive had all together because i have certain areas split up and it's hard to keep track but I'm going to guess and say maybe 6-7 but I am most definitely seeing results! I know for sure because I have tattoos and they tape them up during the sessions and where my tattoos are the hair growth is definitely there but very minimal every where else! The girls there are so great! Ashley is a little peach and always looks the other way when I sneak extra mints at check in & out haha! Alexia* and Melissa are seriously the sweetest technicians! They always keep me distracted with good conversation if the pain from the laser gets to be a little too much. Which is never too crazy unbearable but it's for sure not a walk in the park. I did the full body and I'm on a 24 month contract & i think it's worth every single penny. I always thought laser hair removal was so out of reach cost wise but it's really not! Go see the girls there and I promise you'll be so happy you did!