Anybody with a sliding glass patio door knows that terrible sound. No not the breaking one, the metal on metal sliding noise. That screechy grating noise that wakes up your spouse sleeping on the couch. Well we had that noise and it got worse over a year.
I looked on Yelp and saw this this company with all the great references and I called.
Susie (Hope That's how she spells it) took the call with that wonderful London accent and her winning personality. I was in but then personality does not get the window fixed now does it?
I asked them to come out and give me a quote. The nicest guy showed up and told me putting rollers on two doors and the necessary adjustments would be $295.00. Now you need to know I usually do my own work and that sounded high BUT I could not get the family room door off the tracks so I had them do it thinking it was a big deal. I did call around and they are in the market for cost, and they have Susie!
A young man who looked like Yul Brenner showed up and he was wonderful. He put down covers to keep the area clean, he was well spoken, well dressed and courteous. (He was too young to know who Yul Brenner was). He fixed both doors and then told me the family room door had not been installed properly in the first place and needed to be fixed.
At this point I thought "Oh yea here we go!" But I was wrong. He took the top of the frame apart and shimmed the door so it fit correctly.
I could not have done that work as fast nor as well as he did and the cost was well worth it.
If you have a door issue give yourself a treat and call Susie you will love talking her and the work will be done right.