The Sales Manager KEITH IS A total douche Bag!! I bought my 200s less than a year ago and since have had nothing but issue after issues with it. After my car being in there for transmission issues 4 times for the same problem and 55 days later Chrysler decided to give me a replacement car OK good. now after several attempts at trying to repair my car and not being able to you think they would go above and beyond to make things go as smooth as possible and getting me into a different car, well one would hope at least but no Keith the sales manager wants to sit on his hands eat pizza and do nothing to help or even let me pick out a replacement car. even after Impartial services contacted him and told him to have me come down there and pick out a car And by the way they I must also tell you the level of their service department and the damage they have caused first cracked my windshield when they were supposed to repair a small rock chip damaged 2 of my wheels on my car and also used up my gas time and patients. After showing them the huge crack in my windshield and the damage to the wheels they said "you have insurance don't you?" and then offered 2 free oil change really???? However when I said something about the gas they were happy to fill it back up.
My car is still in there to this day and I'm stuck in this rental until I can get a replacement so I will not be doing any more service, sales or anything else they sell here EVER!!!
On the bright said Travis in the service department has been very nice and as helpful as he can be sorry I won't be dealing with him anymore after this....