Can I get a "heck yeah" for Pet Supermarket's $5 off coupons?
We live less than a mile from the Cotswold Petsmart, but we venture ~5 miles away to the Dilworth Pet Supermarket to do our dog food shopping because their Blue Buffalo prices are slightly lower & the slightly lower prices + the monthly $5 off coupons that come with our junk mail make it totally worth the trip! (Make sure you sift through the Bojangles, lawn care, and bath fitter ads... the Pet Supermarket coupons are totally worth making an effort to flip through the weekly mailers)
The staff at Pet Supermarket is always friendly and have milk bone treats on stand-by for our sweet dog every time she walks through the door! I sincerely hope the Fresh Market that's going on next door doesn't make parking in the shopping center impossible because Pet Supermarket is a great place to pick up affordable pet necessities!