| - Unbelievably terrible company with employees that are mostly inadequately trained and incredibly dishonest!!!
I can say this with confidence because I've had over 10 years of experience dealing with this company, in two different houses/cities, and I've also known three other families that have also had the same experiences! I know my review is long but it is worth the read if you are considering dealing with this company in any shape or fashion! Hope it helps; I wish someone had given me the heads up before getting involved with them!
Our experience began a little over 10 years ago when our air conditioning unit was working perfectly fine, we noticed Home Depot had some of their annual signs up right before summertime that suggested you do a maintenance check up on your air conditioning unit prior to the warmer weather to ensure that the unit works as best as it can and most efficiently. It was at that time, that our problems began!!!
To make an extremely long story (with countless details/proof) short, I'd like to summarize some of the main things that have happened with orangutan home services. We've been told that we needed to purchase parts over the years and when we declined, certain employees (whose names I won't mention here) suggested we make the purchase in a way that would be better for both of us. They suggested we purchase the item for less and with cash, the employee would then make no mention of it, give us the part under the table, win-win for both of us as he suggested. We also were told countless stories by employees about how extremely dishonest their boss was and things they instructed them to do on previous visits, even going so far as to say parts were broken, when they weren't, just to make the sale/price larger.
In addition to being very dishonest, most of the employees also do not have the education/training that they need as well! I have multiple receipts from regular maintenance appointments, where our unit was previously working 100% fine prior to the appointment, but the very day after the appointment, the unit broke. At that second call, when the technician came out, we have multiple reports that indicate that the unit broke because the unit was either overcharged or under charged and too much Freon was either placed in the unit or too much Freon was taken out. Due to this error, that happened multiple times, it forced the entire air-conditioning unit to shut off and not work. Definitely something you don't want to happen in the middle of Arizona summer!
In addition to the technicians adding the incorrect amount of Freon at times, we've also had at least for five service calls where our unit broke because at a previous visit, the technician didn't properly attach the door back on the unit in the attic. Since the door wasn't properly attached, it was blowing cold air and trying to cool our attic, in the middle of the summer, instead of the home. Big waste of money/electricity and that caused the unit to overheat and shut down. I also have that noted in many of our receipts. As I said before, many of the technicians we've had out to our homes clearly have not had the proper training!
I have even more examples I could unfortunately share given the experiences we've been through with orangutan home services. But, due to the amount of space that is allowed with this review, I will have to cut it short and end here. If it all possible, I would research the company you are considering calling to your home and with confidence, I can say that just about any other air conditioning unit company that is out there in Arizona would most likely be better, more honest, better trained/educated and safer to call out to your home!!!!!