This is my Goodlife. It's nearby and was recommended over the World Health on 37 Street.
I like that it has really flexible hours, except for Sundays, so I always feel a little rushed if I go there then.
It's a really big facility and has enough of everything that you can rotate through and get what you need done. I haven't tried any of the classes yet, mostly because I am scared to go alone, but they have a nice variety.
The first few times I went there was an issue with the tv signal and it was pretty bad, it seems fixed now so I'm glad.
The only thing I'm not a fan of is having to walk right into the workout area in your regular clothes in front of everyone. It'd be nicer if there was a less busy area in the back.
I also love the free massage chairs, I use them every time. And sometimes even when I'm not planning on doing a workout I think about going just to sit in the chairs and read a magazine! Haha.