| - WOW, a trip back in time....
growing up I always loved pinball machines, but until now, that was always just a fond memory
this place is pretty good sized, and had a nice selection from older 50's machines to more modern ones....
machines are kind of lined up in reference to age, and I found a few that I can remember playing as a small boy at the local barber shop.....cowboys and Indians!
in any case, the machines are all in pretty good condition, with a few out of order signs.
love the fact that the owner/collector didn't jack up all the prices on the machines to charge a buck a game like the newer arcades do
the tilt feature isn't set extremely sensitive, so there is some leeway to the machines, just remember they are classics, so please BE KIND...
many are still a quarter a game, with some of the newer machines charging a bit more
if you are a fan of pinball machines, this place is a MUST VISIT
plus, where else in vegas can you spend a couple hours of quality entertainment for a roll or two of quarters?......Not a strip club for sure :-)
found an old Captain Fantastic/Elton John, KISS, Star Trek (few different ones), Flash, Black Knight, and countless others.
they even had a section of video games, found Q-bert, and Xenon, games I used to play at the local doughnut spot.
the one machine I don't recall seeing, but would love to find someday is the Hercules pinball machine....I remember this one as a kid, a giant oversized machine with a cue ball rather than steel ball.....maybe someday?
In any case, will definitely visit this place again
very enjoyable, not a whole lot of kids...they probably don't appreciate these machines like us old farts!!!