Myself and a few co workers were working to put together a company sponsored outting for all of employees (600).
It was difficult working with the manager. He would not provide us with an itemized package to choose from. He wrote everything in an email, and in some areas of the email, gave us misinformation.
He blatantly told us he did not want us to have our event on a Friday, even though that was the best day that worked for us and that was one of the days he initially said we could do. He told us that we were costing him money if we held it on a Friday. How so? We expected and paid for 290 employees plus we paid for them to have a small popcorn and drink each. In addition, some of the employees used their own money to purchase more concessions.
I have never been to one of their movies and seen the auditorium sold out, so how did we cost him money by hosting our event on a Friday?
I found him to be unprofessional.
He could not give us a list of movies until the week of the event. This did not work for us. We decided to bring our own DVD at which point, we were told would be an additional $450. What? Why wasn't this stated in our first communications? This was never mentioned.
This went off w/o a hitch. Our employees were happy. The half our before the show, we had beach balls bouncing around and music playing. We did movie trivia with prizes. The movie that we got to choose was good. We heard good feedback from our employees.
In conclusion, I do not think that we will host another event with Pollack Cinemas. They really need to work on customer service and providing detailed information.