I love coffee, so I'm always happy to go to the Dunkin Donuts. I got the caramel coolata. I'm used to being asked if I want whipped cream, some folks might not want the extra calories. I get that. However I should point out that if you're drinking a 400-800 calorie beverage, a dollop of whipped cream isn't exactly gonna tip the scales. But that's your choice, not my business. What confused me was that the chick taking my order asked me if I wanted it with or without coffee. Uhm, with, like there's any other reason to be drinking this stuff. Not a complaint, it just made me confused for a minute. Don't confuse me when I'm half asleep. Its not nice. Anyway, my caramel coolata with coffee and whipped cream was very good, I didn't have donuts but have tried them before and they're pretty good too.