LOVE ROLLED ICE CREAM. I will never turn it down. (except when the line is too long, oops)
I've been here at least 5 times and have gotten the same thing every time - cereal and cream with fruit loops. I want to try other things but it is SO good, I always just end up getting it again. Eventually I'll order something new...
There's something about the texture of rolled ice cream that makes it tastier and more melt-in-your-mouth. My friend ordered "The Elvis," which I couldn't have more than a few bites of because the peanut butter was too thick/overpowering. The options that have peanut butter or nutella probably need to have just the right amounts or the consistency is off.
Highlight - you can watch while your ice cream is made (which is a cool looking process) and post it on your snap/ig story so everyone knows you're about to eat some bomb ice cream