I wanted to love Tacos El Asador. The grungy, hole in the wall vibe just screams 'gritty dope tacos'. Well...they're gritty alright. Which would be fine, if they didn't cost $3.55 a piece. I mean I love a questionable taco, when it's authentic, sold for $1 out of the back of a van, like the next girl but don't charge me what Grand Electric charges for pork belly and beef cheek. And it needs to be mentioned how much authenticity these tacos actually lack. The 'chorizo' was colored with what looked like pink highlighter fluid. If a gringo did this I would blame their ignorance, but the staff here knows better. It's shameful. Even if the prices dropped in half I wouldn't return because quite honestly, the food just isn't good. It's unfortunate because there is certainly charm and novelty (which is the only explanation for its 4 stars) and the staff is great. But a word to the wise (and the not so bright folks who rated this well) stick to Taco Bell if you're in the mood for mystery meat. At least you'll have enough cash leftover for plenty of Pepto.