I just have to ask: Am I the only person who feels as if the Fry's cashiers must get a bonus for scanning your card before your items? Let me explain.
I am weird. Yep. I'm admitting it. If you have read any of my other reviews, you probably already know this. Anyway, I like to have my items scanned first and my Fry's card scanned last. I want to see the horribly shocking cost of groceries decrease at the end of my transaction. I don't know why. I just want it that way. However, there is one cashier in particular who gets rather pissy when I do this. He seriously acts like I told him his baby is ugly when I tell him I'll scan it after. And really...why do you care, Fry's cashier man? What difference does it make to you?
I was going to try to avoid you and your silly pouting about the preference of my scannings BUT... I think it will be more fun to seek you out and make you scan my groceries first every time. Look out! I'm just cuh-ray-zee like that.