Bleh. Overcrowded, poor service and weird crowd. After paying a 10$ cover (when many other places had free live bands), the bartender told me they were out of Tanqueray ... I was staring at the bottle of it and had to direct him in his own bar. Then, we sat at a nice little table and watched a 50+ yr old couple eating face and putting hands and body parts in places that made me gag a little. We left quite quickly. The bar itself is very nice.
The layout is not conducive to the amount of furniture they had. Either make it a sitting lounge or a mostly standing one - for that size, you can't have both. It crowded everyone standing (that couldn't find a seat) right in front of the only walkway and bar. Sure wouldn't wanna' be there in a fire.
Oh, and I love loud music, but this place was nauseating. Awful sound control and ear-splitting popping.
I would give it one more chance only if there was no cover. It was no better than a get-drunk-quick-to-enjoy-yourself college club. It just acts like it's more.