| - I have 4 cats. 3 long hair Norwegian Forest Cats and 1 short hair Sokoke (African Forest Cat)
Early one morning we had a mishap which could only have been handled by a good bath for one of the long hairs, but I figured we'd do as many as we could, IF I could find someone on such short notice.
I sent a email, and then I called and left a message, before 8am. I was getting a bit frantic that I wouldn't get a call back because I needed someone like yesterday - but Pat called me within minutes.
Initially she said she was waiting on someone to confirm an appointment, so I hung up wishing but not hopeful. Seconds later she called back and said she could be here in less than 2 hours. I decided to begin with 2 cats. We would see how it goes, and either do the third kid or wait for another day.
Patricia was on time as promised, and came prepared with all her gear. All she needed was the room and the cat.
I stayed close because past experiences were horrendous, especially for this first cat. Plus he'd been traumatized that morning (hence the short notice bath)
I have to say they had several mattes, each of them, because I had recently moved and although I groomed them a few months before this (with a wonderful groomer in LA) the stress of the move and integrating 4 cats to each other and a new home had taken it's toll. They were over grooming and not doing a good job so they were just matting. I was so crazy busy with the out of state move & caring for my elderly dad that I just didn't keep up with them.
Pat was unfazed. Mind you, I did NOT want anyone shaved. Bathed, nails trimmed, ears & a sanitary shave underneath. This was no easy task, I assure you.
She took my very skittish boy and I heard almost nothing from him for almost an hour. He came out gorgeous, (seemingly 5 lbs lighter after getting rid of that overgrowth & matting) Then she took my 2nd cat and did the same.
At that point we decided that she could come back to do the 3rd one. We wanted to be sure she would be on time for her next appointments and I figure it had to be rough bending over that tub for so long. I could also tell that Pat spends a good deal of time just holding the kids during conditioning. She has a great way with them.
Pat came back after the weekend to do the 3rd kid and it was as positive an experience as the other 2.
I should note that the products she used were something she was very happy to tout and for good reason. It has been MONTHS and not a matte among them.
This review is long overdue. I should have gotten here much sooner. I'm sorry I didn't, but hopeful that someone will benefit from my experience.
Thanks Patricia. We'll be calling you soon.
Casey, Charlie & Maggie's mom!