I love these people hard working immigrants. Honest, trustworthy, I have read all the reviews and I am truly disgusted. Here re facts
1. No the man and woman do not speak good English. Oh well get over yourselves. Talk slowly listen more use short words and get to the point.
They are good people they ding understand our slang words.
2. Give me a break if you bring in something with a stain your hoping they can get it out when they can't you blame them. That's why there is a sign not responsible for damage it is not their fault that your clothes were so screwed up to begin with.
3. These people honestly can spot a list. They have people trying to screw them over all the time so guess what don't bother it won't work nothing is free.
4. Here's a free tip don't bring in a expired coupon. That's why there's a date on it. It's expired so guess what that means it's garbage. It makes you look stupid and entitled.