This bar is largely a gimmick, but if you go into that knowing it, you can still have a good time here. They sell you on packages and of parka rentals and drinks then make you leave all your possessions in a locker (it made me feel like I was at a roller rink rather than a bar) before entering. It seems to make more sense to buy a package rather than paying for drinks ala carte inside.
The glasses made of ice were amazing; I want them at my house! The drinks were ok, but nothing fantastic. The photographers offering to take pictures made it feel a little cheesier, but no more so than the grift shop that's about as big as the bar that you have to pass through on the way out.
You won't doubt for a second that you are in a tourist bar, but there's a time and a place for that.
The funniest part was the bartender who was fielding some ridiculous questions with great tact: "How do you wash these glasses?!" a customer asked incredulously. "Hot water" he said, stone faced. "You reuse them?!" she responded. "No we, wash them down the drain".