| - Is it illegal in Ohio to smoke in a restaurant? Well. Yes. And, no. Here's the exception: outdoor patios.
Panini's has an outdoor patio, underneath a roof, with alfresco bar. So, lugnuts can flame up and still get half-schnockered, covering two of the three legal vices in one crack. (The crack is the third, for those awaiting the shoe drop.)
Panini's also has giant floor-to-ceiling doors that, when flung open, connect the outdoor area with the indoor area. So, in effect, the entire restaurant is smoke-friendly. How great is that? For nic-heads, that's probably a sweet deal. For me? My fambly? Nope. That's just not a good thing. If I'm outside somewhere, sure, I accept that people will be tugging on those five-buck per pack penis substitutes. I just try to stand up-wind. Or, I go home. That's outside. Where you can smoke.
Inside? There just should not be smoke. Fix that.