| - It's one of life's axioms. People love cool.
But not everyone can be cool. You know why?
Because they can't afford cool. Cool requires money.
Cool is a way of life. An attitude - one synonymous with bank - explaining why most will probably never attain the level of cool needed to:
* Skirt long lines at clubs, festivals, and sporting events.
* Get away with saying stupid shit like " Oh shut-up Jessica, how would YOU know
if Jason's tool was small or not with that whale vagina of yours." [Jessica; hurt
but giggling]
* Routinely ignore FB friend requests. (because that's what the cool do)
Well if you aspire to this level of cool, there's one sure-fire path to find it - shades.
Yes, with the right pair of shades, you'll rise to an entirely new level of cool, almost bordering on asshole even. In fact, your new level of cool will allow you to routinely fuck-over those superficial friends of yours at will.
All this as they secretly wish you dead, but really, they wish they WERE you.
You'll need about a stack and a half for a good pair of lens', such as Chrome Hearts, or, for five or six hundo you can get a good pair of Matsuda's. Both guaranteed to release the kracken-mean-girl-bitch within, allowing you to say and do almost anything you want and get away with it.
Note: This level of cool can be dangerous, especially if you've never experienced it before. For this reason, it's probably best to be selective when choosing whom to fuck-over.
For example;
A childhood besty who knows about the time you feverishlydry-humped the entire produce bin of your parent's fridge while pretending they were JT's business, this as Bye Bye Bye bumped loudly in the background, probably shouldn't make your top five list.