| - I'm moving to Costa Rica, and when I started crunching the numbers for selling my house I was dismayed that real estate agent commissions would take a massive bite out of my net proceeds -- money that I direly needed for my Big Move.
I had heard of Help-U-Sell and how much I might save by bypassing traditional agents if I managed to find a buyer on my own who was not represented by an agent. I was ignorant and skeptical, but the potential savings screamed at me to launch a serious inquiry. I got online and found Kelly Kuntz, a licensed real estate broker, who kindly agreed to meet me at the end of the day. With his office cleared and the phones silent, he patiently educated me on the agent-free process and how his flat rate fee was structured and what it included. Kelly was personable and knowledgeable, and I told him I'd be in contact when it was time to sell.
Basically, selling a house is a matter of riding herd on a paperwork process, to see that everything is done properly and legally, and in the right sequence. To pay someone 4% -- or $13,000 in my case -- to simply to push paper seemed utterly senseless. Kelly's flat $1,500 fee was a tempting no-brainer, but I was still doubtful.
Months passed, but with an agentless buyer finally lined up, I called Kelly to get the ball rolling. Since my relationship with the buyer was very amicable, we all agreed that Kelly could serve as a "dual agent" representing both of us, and that we would split his fee. This built a trusting and open relationship among all of us from the very beginning and facilitated getting answers and resolving differences quickly.
In short order we made the purchase offer official, covered the critical points, set a closing date, and opened an escrow account -- all in less than two hours because Kelly had everything printed up for our review and signatures. My buyer and I were vastly impressed at his thoroughness and efficiency. And, importantly, Kelly meticulously walked us through all the legalese and answered all our questions.
We are still in the process of working our way through each step, but at this midpoint we are forging ahead at warp speed, and the dual agent role is working beautifully.
I highly recommend that anyone selling a house look into using Help-U-Sell, and specifically talking with Kelly before committing to a traditional agent. Kelly will lay it all out in clear, understandable terms, and you will soon find that you not only respect his real estate savvy but really like him as a caring guy who has your interests at heart. Using his services is a very smart move!