Hmmm.... I am reading all the not so positive reviews here whilst waiting to order some parts for my Honda but still I said, let me give them chance...
I return the next day to pick up the parts and on the way to the dealer, I get a low tire pressure warning on my new Accord. I realised that could have been caused by me changing my 19" summer tires over to the 17" snow tires.
Whilst at the dealer, I head over to the service department and spoke to a service advisor and asked him how to reset the low tire pressure warning. He explicitly said you cannot do it. "We need to use a 'scanner' to reset it and it will cost $56!" WTF.....
I then head back to my car, crack open the manual and do it myself.
In 2 minutes flat.
For free.
Not a good sign.
The staff must have worked at Canadian Tire previously....