Update: 4/23/2013
Stopped by here again in an attempt to try out a different espresso drink. This time I asked for the cafe latte and the Innocent Bystander sandwich turned into a salad. The coffee is still too bitter for my taste but the salad was good!
Someone was talking about this place so I decided to stop by here on the way home today for a hot caramel macchiato. I'm sad to say I'm a little disappointed at this drink. It was dull, bitter and reminded me a lot of Starbuck's caramel macchiato. I've gotten used to the real caramel flavor that Sunrise and even Sambalatte uses and that's what I like to taste in a caramel macchiato. You know when you heat up sugar and water on the stove and it boils down into this golden color with a slightly smokey caramel flavor? That's the real caramel flavor one should taste in a caramel macchiato, in which this drink lacks.
I'm moving to this side of town in a few weeks and Sunrise will be too far for me to frequent. It's unfortunate that I don't like Madhouse's Coffee shop for the only coffee drink that I really like.