The worst place to work and would give it a zero is possible. I've worked as a PSE Program service evaluator which is a fancy word for a case worker with family assistance. I had to determine eligibility for food stamps and medical insurance in a local office face to face and call center environment. The stress and anxiety I developed after the first month just got worse. I was there for two and a half years and although the benefits were good, that was the only good part of the job. Not only did the customers suck who were angry for waiting 5 plus hours but their poor kids were hungry, had dirty diapers, crying.. etc which made things harder. We have time limits we can be on each person so for the elderly or new clients it made us rush them and leave them confused. The policy is always changing literally every hour so there is no way to memorize or excel at your job since it can change on your day off. All the supervisors are over worked and stretched so far that they have no time for questions or assistance. The security is horrible as there is no gates around the parking lot for employees so when there is an irate customer with mental problems they can watch you all day and see which car you have to key it or whatever they deem necessary. Last but not least, case reads! Your audited for almost every case you touch and you have to maintain a 96% accuracy or higher to stay in the position so any human error and your being written up. Let me tell you no one is happy when they work here and no one would recommend this job to a single soul. The people calling in for assistance are having a rough enough time as it is and then if the state's system doesn't even work then no one is benefiting. Oh don't get me started on the site we have to use and the applicants website Heaplus because that shit doesn't even work 90% of the time!!