I've been wanting to go to this exhibit since I moved to Vegas but never got around to it, I took loads of pix so take a gander. And why not go on Thursday night at 7pm, it won't take you long! I believe the pricing is about $35 and it took us about 40 mins to get through. So you won't be here all day.
This exhibit is not for the faint of heart, there's real body parts, and I think the fetus room was definitely the best and hardest room to view. I think it was something with the conjoined twins that made me a little uneasy. In fact, I believe, on an educational level this is great place to take kids over the age of 15/16. At least High School and definitely college. There's a lot of male genitalia on display here & I ain't talking about Chippendale style, so bare that in mind. Definitely adult topics.
All of the bodies are from China and they all agreed to have their bodies donated to science [supposedly]. They also can't confirm that the body with 'black lung' was a smoker. This is the only thing I did not like about this exhibit. My grandfather had black lung and it wasn't b/c he was a smoker, but rather a coal miner in the 50s/60s, I would've liked if they could report more about the individuals lifestyle/diet/age etc so you can get a better understanding of how they lived and perhaps why they passed.