FINALLY! A 99 cents store on the SW side! I'm only slightly embarrassed to admit how much I truly love the 99 cents store. It's honestly one of the things I missed most when I moved to Portland last year.
Granted this one is brand spanking new, but its clean and well organized. Large produce and freezer section w a great selection - I picked up baby asparagus, butter lettuce, baby bellas and romaine hearts all for 99.9¢
As always I did end up w a grip of stuff I didn't even know I wanted, but its so cheap so who cares. Thanks 99¢ store for contributing to my hoarding tendencies. I'm so happy to have you in my neighborhood - no more risking my life at the ghetto one off Maryland/flamingo anymore
Flyer says they had 40" LED TVs for the first 9 customers and randomly $2 bills for the first 99. Remind me to stake out the opening of any new 99 cents stores because that's better than black Friday (the tv not the cash)