| - I received this letter from Bowlmor, a generic apology that they give everyone. Why would I go back? Because you have deep apologies? Look at all your reviews! People are saying the same things over and over yet the place is the same! Don't waste your time writing to people as it only adds to the already horrible experience if you don't take legitimate moves to correct the problem and give legitimate incentives to return.
Do you really think as consumers that we're that stupid? It's insulting. Like I'm going to go back and spend $22 to bowl a game with the same shoes, same balls and same lanes. NO! Never again. Don't write another lame apology to anyone, it's hot air because the place obviously has not changed. You cater to a crowd that is there to bowl and drink. You don't care about quality at all and you don't care about families (same price for all bowlers....really!?) - your letter has inspired me to pass the word on to other platforms now such as Trip Advisor, Twitter, and local news outlets. I suggest you refrain from replying to negative reviews, they're insincere, generic, and meaningless.
Here is their response to my initial review which I'll dissect.
Hey James (hey James? That's professional?) Please accept our deepest apologies (, so fortunate to have their deepest because it felt like the shallowest apology ever. "I'm I mean I'm really really sorry - no, let's go into the vault and pull out one of our deepest apologies") - for your negative experience at Bowlmor (you're only sorry about the review I wrote, not about my experience) and understand your frustration. (Your empathy is emptythy) We strive (meaning we don't) to bring the best in bowling, dining, and nightlife to every one of our guests and we are sorry to hear your experience did not live up to the values and standards that you've come to expect from an outing at Bowlmor Lanes. (Like I said, it was my first time, I didn't expect anything and now I know what your standards are which is high prices, low quality) Your comments regarding your encounter are very important to us and we've sent them along to our corporate operations team who will take appropriate action. ("Alright corporate operations team, we got a big fancy title and an upset guest, what is the appropriate action. I say we ignore the letter and go to lunch - all in favor..." The only appropriate action is exactly what you're not doing) Again, (again! You almost got me to reconsider with the second apology, but it wasn't another deep one so it didn't mean as much) we apologize and thank you for bringing this to our attention. We hope you will give us another chance! (No chance, I won't even take my daughter to your kids day because your equipment is the worst).
My deepest regards