I went to Sport Clips two times when I first moved to the area. The first time I had a coupon for a free haircut so I said, why not. Well, I got what I paid for. I described what kind of cut I wanted and it was far from what I asked. The stylist asked what I thought and I made a few suggestions. This was met by a sigh and a very quick series of snips before she asked again. I just let it go.
The second time I went in, the experience was about the same. The haircut was a bit better (different person) but when I was leaving I had a strange interaction with some of the staff.
I was paying and they asked if I wanted to buy any of their products, to which I declined. They asked what I used so I told them, to which they said they "use that stuff to clean the floors, it's garbage. Our stuff is better." Once again I declined, but they didn't let it go. I eventually left and will not be coming back, I see no reason to.