| - Bargained with Frank to lower the price on the 2 engineered hardwoods that we were looking at. Both were installed on their floor, so we could see. Ordered the Tobacco Road. We liked the interesting elements on it. Got home and looked at the installed photos of it online and it looked completely different than store. many mismatched pieces. Looked awful. Called Frank back to change to the Golden Teak and confirmed the price that we were offered for that floor. Frank sent the change and said that the price hadn't been adjusted, but we would see that adjustment sent soon. 3 weeks later before the shipment arrived in the store, I called Frank to cancel because we hadn't received the updating pricing. At first, he acted like he didn't know about the price adjustment and then when I told him we were canceling, I got the same answer, "oh, I see that price in here now. you will receive the invoice with the updated price soon." No, Frank, we are canceling and going to find flooring elsewhere. Frank said deposit would be credited in 2-3 days. 7 days later, no credit and we have received calls and email about the shipment. Called main office who put me on hold and called the store. Came back and said that Frank had no recollection of our conversation last week and that they would cancel and credit would appear in 2-3 days. Told customer service that I will just report this to credit card company if there isn't a credit in 3 days. This place is a bit like the open market where every price is negotiable, but buyer beware.