| - For those of you folks coming to visit the Vegas area who might be unfamiliar with our neighborhoods: The "nice" hotels you are looking for are located on or near the Strip, that is, Las Vegas Boulevard. And possibly downtown, which is North Las Vegas Boulevard (NOT North Las Vegas). If you are looking off-strip, our nicer areas are the NW, the W, the SW, and the S.
North and East Las Vegas might as well be labeled: "Not Upgraded".
Every city has a "North/East Las Vegas". It's the area you don't send your tourists.
Do not think you can stay in East Las Vegas, looking for a bargain, and be just as pleased as if you'd stayed at a resort. You will be seeing a part of Las Vegas you don't want to see and it may upset your delicate tourist sensibilities. If you have business in the East/North, it would still benefit your opinion of our city to stay in a more tourist-friendly area. The nicest hotel/casino in the East area is Sam's Town, and while perfectly pleasant, unless you stay inside you'll be disappointed.
East Las Vegas features the "Boulder Strip". This is not the same as the Las Vegas Strip so do NOT be confused. It's not like Boulder Colorado, and it's not even as nice as Boulder City Nevada. The Boulder Strip is home to a string of used car dealerships, bar/laundromats, and weekly hotels/bad credit apartments that decrease in quality the further to the North you travel. Siena Suites is the farthest-south weekly hotel. It is the BEST WEEKLY HOTEL ON THE BOULDER STRIP. Trust me, they get progressively more terrifying the further north you go.
Many of you may not be aware, but the entire Las Vegas Valley is located in what I like to call the Atomic Cockroach Zone. If you have enough money, you can stay somewhere and never see them. If you try to save a buck- you'll see them. But no matter what area- they are there. It sucks, they are gross and scary and dirty...and I think we nuked them back in the day, so they aren't going anywhere. But it's the reality of the situation. They even pop up from time to time in the best resorts. Hey- it could be worse, we have black widow and brown recluse spiders here as well, and I've never seen a-one in any hotel, weekly or otherwise.
If you insist on staying down market on the Boulder Strip, a few things that you MUST do: Stay at Siena Suites. Stay on the top floor. Cover ALL drains in your room. Block the floor/bottom of door gap in your front door if present. Leave the lights on, especially in the bathroom. Hang your trash bag on the doorknob/closet or other non/counter area. Put all food in plastic bins. Bring your own roach spray, spray corners and walls liberally upon arrival, or even use a fogger for a few hours if your stay is a long one.
Know that if you go outside at night, there WILL be roaches on the sidewalk, they can be the size of small mice, and they aren't scared of you.
The trash areas in these weeklies will be awful, even at Siena Suites. No matter how nice inside/outside, for some reason all the dumpsters in a five mile radius are just as foul as foul can be (there is a population of people whom actively, hourly, dumpster dive as a profession, and this area is their market, which may contribute to the trash problem around here).
If you don't want to take a chance on a couch with a burn hole, or a carpet with a dark spot, ask for an upgraded unit. They are constantly upgrading.
Bring your own dang towels to use for the duration, you cannot count on housekeeping in these joints for anything, so better to be prepared. Siena Suites DOES provide sheets and blankets and pillowcases, but most in this area do not, and gees people: it's 2017 and Hotel Hell is a thing- do we all not already know that ALL hotel sheets/blankets are gross? Come on.
Last, a word about the guests at these weeklies:
We are not prostitutes, pimps, and criminals. A fair lot of us are people who just relocated here and are looking for permanent housing. If you think "poor" people, and whatever negative traits that means to you, live here: who is the last poor person you've met who can afford $300 a week for housing? Do you think someone on welfare can afford that? That is another reason this weekly is head and shoulders above the others on this road- the people paying $179 per week a mile away can't afford to stay at Siena Suites.
If you think all the weeklies on this street are equal, you are mistaken. If you are settling in to a weekly for a week or more, I cannot recommend Siena Suites enough. I've been there over a month and have only seen one roach in my unit, and it was dead. I feel safe and comfortable. I've never had one issue with noise, parties, neighbors, drug "scents", etc etc etc. I've never had to even call the front desk, much less security. My car has not been broken into, towed, or otherwise vandalized. The staff have never given me a hard time- in fact, I've not met a single staff member who isn't amazing, nice, friendly, and engaged in their job.