| - There are multiple doctors in the practice. And there are differences among them, and this is extremely important to know. I highly recommend Dr. Keith and Dr Jen. I say that because he is the owner, he is the most experienced, and he knows how to communicate a sense of urgency when necessary. He gives thorough physical exams. Dr Jen is equally fantastic. Very smart, thorough, clear communicator. Some of the other doctors are a bit timid and don't give as thorough an exam. But god bless their vet techs. They are fearless! Behind Dr. Keith and Dr. Jen I would say Dr. Jo, Dr Amy, and Dr. Lynn are tied for 2nd place. Dr. Jo will take a conservative/ wait and see approach. All are competent with good bedside manner. The good news is you can always get in to see one of them, and they constantly talk amongst each other. But I always prefer to have one point of contact. In dead last place among the doctors is Dr Sara. She is young, inexperienced, and not a good communicator. More importantly, she does not know how to communicate when a situation is dire. For example, I have a cat with chronic renal failure. I had just had the cat in to see her, and I knew what his kidney values were. When my other cat suffered sudden onset kidney failure and was extremely ill, she said he, too, had "elevated kidney values." She recommended I give him fluids at home every few days. On a whim I asked her to print out both cats' blood panel results so I could get a relative comparison. after all, what does "elevated" mean? I about fell out of my chair when I saw that my cat's kidney values were more than 4x the upper limit of normal. I said, "Wait a minute. This is very serious, right?" She said, "Well, yes." I said, "Well why didn't you say so? We're out of here. We're going to the ER." There was NO SENSE OF URGENCY whatsoever from her. I even asked my Mom if she gleaned that from the conversation and she agreed. In fact, when I told Dr. Sarah we were heading to the ER she breathed a sigh of relief and said she was happy to hear I was doing that and then she said, "Good luck." My cat ended up spending 5 days in the hospital on 24/7 fluids to flush his kidneys. Had I not acted when I did, he would have died. Because of this experience, I do not trust her, and my animals will see other vets in the practice. To make matters worse, a few days later I had his kidney values re-checked on recommendation of the Internal Medicine ER doctor (Dr Irom at VCA who is world-class). I took my cat in and we saw Dr Amy. Dr Amy said she would call me on Saturday with the results. I called at 8:30am and was told the results weren't back yet, and that they would be back after 12pm. I called at 12:45pm only to get the answering service and find out the practice is closed. Wtf? I had the answering service page the doctor on call to find out if they could find out for me, and lo and behold it was Dr Sarah. She was intimately familiar with my cat's situation and how time sensitive it was to know the updated blood panel results because it would dictate his immediate fluid needs or worst case, additional hospitalization. She literally had the balls to tell the answering service to tell me, "Tell her to call back on Monday." Are you kidding me? You tell a cat's owner, whose cat just came off a life-threatening situation, to wait 2 days to get urgently needed kidney results?" I called the VCA emergency vet who handled my cat, and they said not to wait until Monday to get results (I agreed). They said they would do anything to help. THAT is the type of response you would expect to get, not some lackadaisical, "call in a few days" response like I got from Dr. Sarah. If I would have taken her recommendation (which I wouldn't have anyway) and something would have happened to him, I would have filed a complaint with the Veterinary Board . In other news, the front desk staff at Village Vet is EXCELLENT. They call the next day to see how your animal is doing. Two things I can recommend is that they 1) have separate areas of the front desk for check-in and check-out, and 2) have separate entrances for cats and dog. Dog owners think it is funny when their dog runs up to a cat carrier to smell it. The owner doesn't think that is funny and only adds to the stress. These would improve the experience immensely!