I will travel across town to get decent food which is almost impossible to find. This D'Lish opened up right near our home and I ignored it for months until my wife tried it and told me it was good. Well, one day I tried it and I have been eating there nearly every day since. I emailed all my friends about it and emailed the owner to tell them how great their food was and how lucky we were that it opened up right down the street from our house.
I have had their tuna sandwich 4 days in a row. It is by far and hands won the best tuna sandwich in the universe! You have not had a tuna sandwich until you get one from D'Lish!
Everything that I have tried from the menu has been excellent.
One reviewer wrote "I probably eat here once a week. It is my dream to one day try everything on the menu. Unfortunately, I can't stop eating that damn tuna sandwich"
I did the exact same thing. When I first went in I said that I would go right down the menu and try everything. But that tuna sandwich is heaven and I can't' resist it every time I go there.