i like world harvest. i don't love it. they have amazing baklava. i mean... uh.maze.ing. i could eat it all day long.
however, if you get the deli food... it's just... meh. i got a couple falafel sandwiches that were promptly heated up in a microwave. the hummus has a strange flavor that i can't put my finger on. i haven't eaten tuna in about 25 years, but honestly, this hummus tasted like tuna smells. just kinda strange. i don't prefer it over other places in town. i certainly wouldn't go out of my way to get it.
the selection in this store is overwhelming. any AND every kind of ethnic or health food is contained on these shelves. if you can't find it somewhere else, you can probably find it here. there is a wide selection of spices and dried beans and spices. lots of gluten free alternatives for pasta and flour. i was surprised by how many raw vegan things there were, actually. however, one raw bar was almost $5, and even, raw "boutique" prices... $5 is kind of steep. lots of things in here are on the expensive side.
i would come in again if i need something unique that i couldn't find anywhere else, but this would not be my dedicated shopping site. the service is super nice, though.