Quit taking all my money. Seriously.
I have to budget now for these clothes, but wow are they worth it. Never have I been a brand-oriented person, and I really don't like paying retail price for anything. But for someone that practices yoga 6 days a week, these clothes are a must. They fit perfectly, don't bunch in weird places when you're upside down and (maybe least important but worth mentioning) they are super cute! Honestly the most sturdy, comfortable, built-for-women activewear out there.
Believe me, I've waivered and gone through the "I'm just gonna get the cheap leggings at Target" argument with myself. But imposter versions fade and rip after 2 months; it ends up costing the same. If you don't practice that often, maybe you don't need the investment. But if you're a regular yogi, shop here.