| - For any female who has never been to Chippendales, I am telling you - run, don't walk, to the Rio hotel for the show. O...M....G. what a fun time. I didn't really have any expectations but this was just so fun! the three of us (all girls) just laughed and had the best time, the whole time. It is not full frontal nudity (sadly) but it was just cute - some of the performances were a little dated and some were VERY cheesy and hokey but the guys were all incredibly attractive and for the low low price of $15 each you can get your picture taken with the Chippendales using your own camera! So for 45 dollars, my sister, friend and I have three blurry and dark shots taken on a disposable camera. Women will do anything to get close to insanely attractive men, I guess. But it's not like they make you take the picture, it is completely voluntary. And then when it's over you get to go to the "Flirt Lounge" and buy expensive, bad drinks while the Chippendales take pictures with you (but in their street clothes, not their Chippendales ties). That was pretty phenomenal because women were truly trying to convince the Chippendales to go home with them. Being in the Chippendale is the LIFE (if you're a straight guy, that is). In short, Chippendales rocks, check it out!