Monstrous lines for a monstrous club.
We got in because my gf's sister knew someone that had bottle service, and got in without having to wait in the huge line. Guys still had to pay 50$ and girls got in free.
The main dance floor that's in front of the pool near the entrance is now more packed than ever. The only time I was near that area was when I was walking into the club or walking out.
We hung out in the area past the pool, where the other main bar is near the tables. In this part of the club, it's always very spacious. The bottle service area had like a bed/mattress.
We pretty much claimed one of the floating bed kinda things on the pool. The gf & I took our shoes off and I rolled up my pants and chilled in the pool for quite a bit. At 95 degree weather in summer time Vegas night, the water felt great. Later on in the night some guy just jumped into the pool, shirt off and everything.
The bathroom was nice, and the bouncers/workers are pretty chill.
Being the most popular club in vegas, of course the drinks here are gonna be priced super high. Ex. 1 new castle, 1 heineken, 1 long island = 36$.
Yes, please pre-game unless you drive something that ends with -ini or -ari or -ati or -enz