Dr. Heinrich is very detail-oriented (to the untrained eye or some children this may be misconstrued as 'rushing' or 'brash'.
Myself personally being an IT professional completely understand and appreciate the fine details. The fact that he will include me alongside my son when explaining something seemingly simple as brushing his teeth, I'm able to pickup that there are certain angles and pressures that need to be used in specific locations. Those not paying close attention would make the mistake of just assuming 'Oh he's just being rude' or 'My kid knows how to brush their teeth, why is he doing that', etc.
I salute you Dr. Heinrich and staff! We have been through about 3 ortho's at this point in time and this office (both clerical AND clinical staff) has been the most helpful, knowledgable, and welcoming thus far.
Keep up the great work and please don't change :)