| - I have a serious obsession with this place. At least a few times a month, I have to satisfy the urge and eat at this spot. Every burrito I have had is delicious. Recently, I tried a bowl for the first time. BOOM! So good. The burritos feel a little heavier than the bowls. I highly recommend giving a bowl a try. For the burritos, my favorite is the Redondo, hands down.
I don't think it's fair to compare this place to Soho, but if you must, I think Jaburritos stands up to its sister. The fish is fresh, the ingredients are delicious and the staff is friendly. If Soho Burrito were closer, I would go there. Not because it is any better than this place, but because John from Soho is the nicest person on the planet. The location of Jaburritos is a hop, skip and a jump from me and Soho is a haul. Overall, I am a big fan of Jaburritos. There is room enough in this town for two delicious sushi burrito joints.