I have sort of a love/hate relationship with this place. Two of these stars are definitely just for the location and one is for the produce being fresh and delicious. Otherwise? I despise this place. Here's why:
1. THE LAYOUT MAKES NO SENSE! Zero! There is no flow to this grocery store at all. I circled the store not once, not twice, but three times trying to locate the cereal...it should not take eons to find your Cheerios!
2. SO CRAMPED! Oh my goodness, prepare to be bumped into countless times during your shopping experience - mosh pits have nothing on this place.
3. PRICES ARE INSANE! They know that you don't have a lot of options in the immediate vicinity for other grocery stores and they take full advantage.
4. EVERYONE IS RUDE! I think it's due to reasons 1 - 3 that number four exists. Both employees and shoppers alike are all in foul moods.
That being said, they do sometimes have decent sales and I am a fan of some PC products, such as the Greek yogurt (it's the only place on Bloor I've been able to find it).