| - Michelle and I, with 2 children, walked through the entire winding Forrest trails without getting eatin' alive by serial killers or mosquito's. Yeah, it is that safe. Not to mention, I got great cell phone know, just in case an isolated incident...
I think we walked at least 5 miles. We saw trees, birds, fish and a golf course at the end. We picked flowers for grandma too. I think that was probably illegal, but it made me feel like a sort of rebel teaching our kids that it was ok. And grandma didn't hand spank us for doing so either, so I guess it was ok.
Lots of rain the days before, so the river was high and full. Might I mention that the weather this day was perfect? A little chill in the air, dry, and clear. Oh how I love these types of days! We did however have to borrow some of grandma's attire...we needed jackets. I would post a picture, but I am afraid that you will find that we are too much of a sexy bunch to our fellow Yelpers.
Michelle did forget to mention the open holed toilets at the entrance. It was like peeing into darkness. I looked in the hole before I sat. That was the scariest part.