Loved this place! I've been wearing glasses and contacts since an early age. When I was around 14 i was told I had mild eye allergy which caused my eyes to water, only symptom, so of course I forgot. Since then I've been going back to the eye doctor at least two times a year due to my vision getting blurry very quickly after an exam. Not once did anyone suggest eye drops or that I even suffered from allergies. That meant I went YEARS spending unnecessary money on new prescriptions, glasses, and contacts. Again, I'd go a minimum of twice a year. I tried every different contact, and eyeglass because I thought my vision was just so poor. At every visit my script changed, I'd go forward and backward all in a matter of months. I was fed up and hopeless! Here I am today, I moved to this area and decided to find a new doctor. I am so glad I did! Everyone was so nice and helpful. The doctor explained that I suffer from dry eye which is why I feel my vision gets worse. All my symptoms were all due to allergy and here I was thinking I was quickly losing my vision. She recommended several different things for me to try, which has helped.