Nevada Yellow Cab is everything you expect with your typical Cab Company. Here's what to expect:
1. Aggressive Driving - I found the driver to be unnecessarily aggressive. He was cris-crossing through lanes and speeding. He also almost ran down jaywalkers.
2. A Quiet Driver - The driver didn't talk to me. He only talked when I tried to talk with him.
3. A Route - They only take the route they want unless you can specifically tell them what shorter route you want to take.
4. The Car - I found most of the cars to be Toyota Prius V's. Although it is said that these cars are the largest of the Prius lines, I found more room in my regular sedan. The cabin was decent and I didn't see much dirtiness.
Honestly I probably won't be choosing this Cab Company again, unless they're the only ones along the road. If you have a choice between the Yellow Cab's or, their competitors, the White Cab's, I would probably recommend choosing the White Cabs.