To find out how the culinary skill of any Chinese chef, Ma Po Tofu would be the dish to order because this dish required the knowledge of how to mix the sauce properly. Sadly, it was a disappointment from two angles: 1) The sauce had too much vinegar to it so it was very tart , 2) the vegetable that came with it was store bought carrots (Ding Ma-square diced) and peas which tells me they didn't invest much preparation on this dish at all and it was served without minced pork which is the absolute essential to this dish. The restaurant didn't have any Asian patrons which was a bad sign. In order to have an ethnic restaurant that earn the gold seal of approval, their own community have to support it which this place lacked. This place may be busy but it isn't my cup of tea just like the way Chinese screw the British and offer them the worst tea (Black TEA) and charge them the most money so if you wanted American style Chinese food, this will be the place to go.