The lack of sensible law enforcement in Charlotte and total failure of CMP to set a decent example by obeying simple traffic laws makes Charlotte a truly miserable place.
Police will follow you on the highway at posted speed about 5 feet behind, then pull you over when no violation occurred. It's CMP's method of trying to entrap you, hoping that the driver drank alcohol before driving. Not me.
Ever wonder if police cars are equipped with turn signals? Used rarely, if ever, by CMP police.
Exemplary law enforcement, operable street lights that illuminate the pavement (instead of blinding drivers), signage IN ADVANCE of highway exits and visible, maintained pavement markings are sorely needed in this miserable place. Every visiting driver should either be a clairvoyant or arrive equipped with a crystal ball to overcome nonexistent or worthless signage. Glad to be a visitor, not a resident.
Police should be the solution, not the problem. Instead, everyone is aware that CMP has become famous for being the problem.