I went here once and immediately sought a new doc.
While in the waiting room he was having a few prescription drug reps come back and then leave before appointments waiting. No big deal I thought at first. Then, I heard him inviting them to his home for a party (they happened to be attractive females). One politely declined saying that it was inappropriate. I don't know the rules in this field and thought well, maybe he is inviting everyone? Is it wrong? I still don't know, but probably if someone expressly told him it was.
That wasn't the reason I never went back though. I had three issues that day which needed treatment with a 4th that was likely the underlyer. After he pretended to listen for a bit, he told me that the treatment was to drop someone off in the middle of the Israeli desert, that he did it to his son and that it worked! WTF? He was serious! So on top of being a little creepy, he dropped this bomb.
I think he is just too burnt out take his profession seriously anymore. Maybe he should concentrate on his pool parties and just sip margaritas instead of doing people a disservice with crappy diagnosis' and recommendations.