Unless you are family friendly and love dodging strollers all day long, stay away from the Aloha Festival. Tempe always puts on a great festival, but not sure what genius decided that selling alcohol or beer would be a bad idea. I think this is the first festival in modern times that didn't let us have a cold beer to walk around the grounds with. Hmm, I recall the Oktoberfest had a huge number of kids there too and their dads were drinking beer and pushing strollers. Lines for almost any food (at noon only on Sunday) were several car lengths long and of course, all vendors were too cheap to buy chicken breasts for the plate lunch, so only dark meat was available.
There was a decent show involving karate folks breaking bricks, but massive crowds meant you needed to be tall to see over everyone else to watch the action. We spent about an hour here. Festival pricing also in effect as somehow the sweet, innocent rice and mac salad plate costs 10 bucks, but ice water and soda were great deals at only a buck. Props on that.