| - In the span of 30 minutes I saw two different things that will keep me from ever going back to this mall.
I raced into the mall having to use the restroom badly and when I got into the bathroom I saw a girl standing up, leaning against the bathroom stall, almost asleep (high as a kite), having peed herself. The cleaning woman who was tending to the bathrooms almost walked right by her until she saw my disgust and decided to see what was going on. This girl was so gone, a friend had to come in and sit her down on the couches by the food court, urine staines and all.
Next, I was upstairs walking by what I thought downstairs was a free car, until I saw police lights on top and a couple standing by the car. I glanced down to the first level and realized that the couple was taking a photo of the male with his hands behind his back pressed up against the car. What a way to make a mockery of the AZ police Metrocenter.
The ONLY positive is the Maricopa Animal store in the mall. THAT. IS. IT. I feel bad for the people that have to work here and see the disgusting people meander into their mall. Clean it up!
P.S. After talking about my experiences at the mall with a friend, she said she'll never go back because last time when she brought her kids. Apparently, a raunchy rap music video was playing in the food court, which glorifies the idea that women are objects and can amount to no more. In a FOOD COURT??? I get that your main demographic is high kids that pee themselves in your mall, but people DO HAVE KIDS. Inappropriate.